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Fun and Informative Videos About History
Fun and Informative Videos About History
Common Core World History CHAPTERS
In this first chapter of a new series, Mr Q goes all the way back to the beginning. When did the human story begin? What were they like? How do we know any of this? Watch to find out.
The next step in mankind's history came when they established the first cities. Two new discoveries made this a lot easier: the written word and bronze.
Bronze gave way to iron and polytheism (belief in many gods) met monotheism (belief in one god). After coming a long way, the earliest civilizations began to fail which paved the way for new cities to rise. Lots of changes!
Bronze gave way to iron and polytheism (belief in many gods) met monotheism (belief in one god). After coming a long way, the earliest civilizations began to fail which paved the way for new cities to rise. Lots of changes!
Classical Civilization rose in Ancient Greece and Rome, leading to many innovations. Mr. Q answers questions like, what does the word "democracy" mean? What is the Delian League? And who were Romulus and Remus?
While all these civilizations were being established in the West, amazing things were happening in the East too. What is the caste system? Who was the Buddha? And what about the Silk Road?
In Chapter 6 of our Common Core History series, Mr. Q learns about the salt for gold trade, the Kingdom of Kush, Mayan chocolate and a game called Pok-A-Tok.
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